måndag 24 maj 2021

Launch day


 First pic. Full hobo mode bike trailer set up. But it worked great, we got to the waters! Finally.. 
The boat was another story.! First I decided to try it out before loading it with the drybags / stuff, So i squezed in,pushed of and it started to wobble, then tip over, take in water and i took the first dunk. Pretty undramatic but i got soaked to the bone.. Test two: now loaded and a bit more prepared.. A bit better, but its very unstable, or it reacts if the boater tenses up or to any sudden movement. So paddling is constant work, bracing and microadjusting bodyweight.. Sort of tricky.. 
Did the first lake bit of the route i had planned, made shore and scrambled out and did a short portage and pushed out into lake nr2

Hmm.. A little bit better! Skirting the shore just in case, spirits high and yep, dunk nr 2. This one on deeper water so i got to try to slip out submerged from the cockpit, no problem. Swam/dragged me and boaty to shore, get the water out and back out on the lake. A bit catious now since i had to cross some open water. A bit of stress trying not to tense up but made it, phew! Skirted the rest of the lake and made it to the next portage. 

Short coffee break an off again, now on the sea (a sheltered inlet but it counts) 
 Pretty confident, paddling along and whoopsie! dunk:3 rinse repeat and off again. After some very delicate  paddling i made it to my destination. Maybe 6 km of paddling total. 

So does it work? Yes.!But its not a beginner boat, More like the opposite. Problem is im a kayak noob.. 

All an all great day on the water, Pretty proud of the boaty and that i gave it a fair go.. Looking forward to practice some more.. 

And yeah it has a name, Alletun. 

(Nutella backwards) 

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