fredag 22 juli 2022

Back tracking 40.000 years

So, there is space after all. Seem like it's a problem connected with my phone/posting/file format or some crap like that.. Anyways, I'll try to post project stuff here, and trips on the new blog. Why? Internet sucks and Instagram is death.. This is a safe place from the algoritm.. 

Been beating nettles for a while, playing around with making cord and string. 
So project nr one is catching a fish with paleo gear.. 

So far i have made about 6m of fishing line. 10 would be fine.. 

Went to look for a deer nose bone to use as a hook, and found a nose bone to use as a hook! Slim chance but good odds when you trawl the countys dump site for road kill, regulated hunts etc. 

After some grinding, i cheated and used a knife to rough cut it but the shaping was done with stones/and the cement floor.. The barb bit's tip is a bit short but i think that it might work as a toggle hook, so i made the ends sharp to.. 

Nikko approves. 


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